
Friday, March 25, 2011

3 Tricks Reduce Portion Meals

Those who are in a weight loss program often stricken with guilt after spending a plate of food without realizing. Many things can push you over-eat, one of which is less focused on food. We provide three easy tips to reduce food portions.

1. Note the contents of the plate
Research by a team from the University of Bristol, UK, find people who are accustomed to eating while doing other work, such as reading, watching TV, or play cell phone, tend to eat more than people who focus on foods that are served in front of him.

2. Eat on time
Do not ignore hunger because it is your body's signals. Noteworthy is the meal in time so that the tendency to overeat due to "hungry eyes " does not occur. If the stomach often occur before the meal, healthy snack camillah to reduce hunger or drink water. Research shows people often misinterpreted as hunger, dehydration.

3. Your food photos
Habit photographs of food eaten and then upload to social networking sites could actually help us to control food intake. Dieters who used to photograph all types of food they consume is more aware of what they eat and whether the selected menu healthy.

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