
Friday, March 25, 2011

Do not be obsessed with porn

Many people believe that watching porn for married couples is a way to search for variations of sexual intercourse. Many are couples who find it helpful to watch porn movies together.

But did you know that watching porn is too often or to do all that is obsessed by his movie star could actually interfere with your sex life?

Porn film as an industry are very promising in several countries, including in our country despite all the nations underground. The purpose of making a porn movie is actually more to provide input to the needs of male and female fantasy about having sex.

In normal circumstances in domestic life is rarely what is done in a porn movie can be done. For example, having sex three or having sex with the change of partners. Stories like this movie is just to fulfill a fantasy most men (in this case was mostly so) to do things sexually that wild but can not be accepted by the values ​​and morals that exist.

9 Mistakes that can Slowing Metabolism

Rata-rata, berat tubuh wanita akan bertambah sekitar 0,75 kg per tahunnya selama usia dewasa. Artinya, jika tidak dijaga, ketika mencapai usia 50 tahun, setidaknya ia akan menambah berat badan sekitar 20 kg. Supaya tidak terjadi, wanita harus bisa menjaga keseimbangan antara hormon, kehilangan massa otot, dan stres yang bisa memperlambat pembakaran kalori dalam tubuhnya. Namun, meski kenaikan berat badan di usia paruh baya tidak bisa dihilangkan sama sekali, tetapi setidaknya bisa diperlambat dengan cara mengatur asupan.

Untuk membantu mengurangi berat tubuh saat usia bertambah, pastikan asupan per waktu makan tidak lebih dari 400 kalori. Kemudian perbaiki asupan dengan menjaga aturan-aturan makan. Berikut hal-hal yang bisa memperlambat metabolisme tubuh dari Dan Benardot, PhD, RD, dari Georgia State University:

1. Kurang makan
Untuk membakar kalori, Anda butuh makanan, tetapi penting agar makanan tersebut tidak diasup berlebihan. Kekurangan makan justru bisa berakibat buruk bagi tubuh. Saat tubuh Anda kekurangan bahan bakar untuk melakukan fungsi biologis dasar (sekitar 1.100 kalori untuk kebanyakan wanita), tubuh akan mengerem metabolisme. Ini juga akan mengakibatkan pemecahan jaringan otot yang dibutuhkan untuk membakar kalori.

For Slim, Do Diet Two Day One

Methods diet for one person sometimes may not be suitable for others. Well, if you have not found the right method for you, this way maybe you could try.

Associated with calorie intake of food, new research indicates that create variations in intake can help you lose weight and good for health. The trick is to reduce the amount of calories every two days. If today you consume 1,500 calories, tomorrow could be reduced to 1,100 calories. So, there are days where you eat large, there is also a day "fast" where you eat less.

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, diet every other day without restricting calories will be as effective as restricting calories overall to reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The journal is also intuitively believe that people will definitely find it easier to fast or reduce the intake of food every two days, instead of reducing their food every day.